The Adventures of Daniel

Download our 100% free, full featured, full steam ahead nine-week course in four age levels from Preschool through Upper Elementary! All the bells and whistles are here including our unique Watchables onscreen games and the CLAMazine kids magazine.

Ready to download the zip folder? Click or tap the button. Or keep scrolling to learn about this very cool course.

Let's have a look...

The Book of Daniel is fascinating, and Daniel the man is awesome. A man of true faith in Almighty God. The great stories of Daniel are in the Adventures of Daniel: Daniel's captivity in Babylon, his run-ins with Nebuchadnezzar and other rulers, in the lion den and more.

Click to watch the Daniel introduction video. Runtime: 1:04

I started CLAMbake in first grade and attended until I graduated in the fifth grade. This program got me excited to learn about Christ through the interesting Bible stories and games. My mother and I went back to volunteer. Becoming excited about my relationship with the Lord from a young age helped me walk with Him into my middle and high school years. I went on to staff the middle school youth group.


College Student

Helena is referring to our Sunday School/Discipleship program that will be released in the future. The free Adventures of Daniel nine-week course serves to introduce the CLAMbake style.

Title, Theme, Main Passage, Memory Verse:

  1. 1
    Daniel in Babylon. God’s Plans may not be Our Plans. Daniel 1. Biggie Verse: Jeremiah 29:11.
  2. 2
    Nebuchadnezzar's Dream. The Secret of Time and Prayer. Daniel 2. Biggie Verse: Daniel 2:47.
  3. 3
    The Fiery Furnace. The Secret of Faith and Worship. Daniel 3. Biggie Verse: Psalm 86:2. 
  4. 4
    Nebuchadnezzar Goes Nuts. The Secret of Praise and Honor. Daniel 4. Biggie Verse:  Daniel 4:37. 
  5. 5
    REVIEW of Lessons 1-4. Bible passages from Lessons 1-4. Biggie Verse: Deuteronomy 4:9.
  6. 6
    The Writing on the Wall. Admit It: God Rules. Daniel 5. Biggie Verse: Psalm 59:13. 
  7. 7
    Daniel in the Lion Den. The Secret of Servanthood. Daniel 6. Biggie Verse: Daniel 6:26.
  8. 8
    Daniel's Prayer. The Secret of Knowing God. Daniel 9:4-19. Biggie Verse: Daniel 9:18
  9. 9
    REVIEW of Lessons 6-8.

The main parts and pieces...

The first file you want to check is the Print and Prep resource that comes with each week's lessons. It tells you what to print for each age-level, what size paper to use, color or black and white, single-sided or back-to-back, and how many copies to make. We get a lot of praise for this, it makes life much easier for the one doing the work. 

Notice the light blue balloons. These indicate the files that are used in two or more classroom age-levels.

Each Age-level has its own page in the Print and Prep resource. All the printable files are displayed, along with quick blurbs to describe each. Usually the detailed instructions for use in the classroom are either in the lesson plan or on the first page of the resources themselves.

Every Print and Prep has this Biggie Verse Poster instruction page at the end, showing how to print and put together a typical poster. In many cases teachers only teach occasionally, not every Sunday, and new teachers sign up from time to time. To be sure they all know how to assemble posters we always include this page.

If any file requires special instructions such as this, they will normally follow after this page.

Here you see the cover page for the Upper Elementary class. It shows the lesson number and title, plus an outline of the class hour. The small illustration on the bottom left shows the recommended CLAMazine file. More on the CLAMazine below.

At the very bottom is the copyright line featuring the filename of the resource, in this case Upper Daniel 1 Lesson.pdf.

Inside the lesson plans you'll find a list of files needed, a list of the nine Daniel lesson topics, the lesson plan itself and the Bible story with discussion thoughts:

The Upper Elementary lesson adds an additional page called Bible Wars, a fun game for two or more teams. It's a great way to teach kids how to find passages in their Bibles. Kids who are shy can "hide" in their team. To prevent anyone from dominating the game, no one is allowed to answer twice in a row.

The Upper Elementary lessons also include a separate file called the CLAM Bible. It's for the teacher to hand out to the students. On the back is the voCLAMulary page, a glossary of terms used during the Bible reading. The voCLAMulary page is rarely mentioned in the lesson plans, so it serves as one more optional activity when wanted. The lessons often have more than enough activities to fill the class time, another reason to use the Print and Prep to help you decide which choices to print.

More parts and pieces...

The Preschool (or Pre-K if you Prefe-R) lessons are much simpler than what you've seen so far, of course. They do include three things the other lessons don't have. First is the Advent Bible which, when trimmed and taped together, has paper doors to open like a Christmas advent calendar. Behind the doors are illustrations from several Bible stories. The teacher has a separate page from which to read the stories. There's also a puppet skit with each lesson. And each lesson shows kids how to use simple sign language to make short phrases about God and His Son Jesus. 

Check these quick videos to learn about two unique resources...

Our Adventures of Daniel Sunday School curriculum features a downloadable comic book we call the Daniel CLAMazine. It has fun cartoon stories and activity pages. Use it for Bible learning activities in your Daniel Sunday School classes or as a take-home paper.

Click the images to view.

Watchables are Windows PC and laptop educational (but fun!) programs. The teacher controls everything, the kids form teams to laugh and learn. An absolutely unique and excellent addition to Sunday morning!

The CLAMbake lesson format is terrific for both the teachers and young students. I've used it with my 8-10 year-olds for nearly ten years.


Resort Restaurant Owner, Sunday School Teacher

Let's sum up...

  • Four age-levels: Preschool, Early, Middle and Upper Elementary.
  • All age-levels study the same Bible story each week, appropriate to the kids' maturity levels.
  • All lessons, no matter the Bible story, lead kids to a deeper understanding of Jesus.
  • We strongly believe in review: The fifth and ninth lessons review the previous lessons. For the most part, every activity in a lesson is a different way of teaching the same truth each time.
  • Includes lesson plans, activity pages, CLAMazine take-home pages and Watchables.
  • The developer of each lesson is available via our Support page above. Questions and suggestions are welcome.

The Adventures of Daniel and our other resources were developed by a guy with over 20 years experience in children's ministry. What you might not know is that before that period Tom was the Managing Editor of the Youth Department at one of the world's largest Sunday School publishers. There, Tom developed curriculum for High School and Junior High that was enjoyed by something like 100,000 kids each week. The Adventures of Daniel and our upcoming CLAMbake curriculum maintain the highest standards of excellence.